Without money for medicines, tablets, injections, diagnosis, physician wages, etc..
Only drinking water, diseases below can be cured. You will not believe before to do so. Below is a list of diseases that can be cured by this therapy:
1. Headaches
2. Asthma
3. Hosthortobics
4. High blood
5. Bronchitis
6. Diabetes
7. Bloodless
8. TB
9. Lungs disorder
10. Eye Diseases
11. Rheumatism
12. Brain inflammation
13. Paralysis
14. Kidney stones
15. Hapa Disorders 16. Obesity
17. Disease ureter
18. Leukemia
19. Inflammation / joint Pain Management
20. Excess acid fiber
21. Cancer hybrid
22. Mucous membrane inflammation
23. Diarrhea
24. Breast Cancer
25. Heart Disorders
26. Dysentery
27. Throat inflammation
28. Hemorrhoid
29. Constipation
30. Cough
How Water That Works?
Drink water with the usual method that is correct, cleanse the human body. This makes the colon work more effectively with the new form of blood, known in medical terms as aematopaises. That mucousal Fold in the large intestine and small intestine activated by this method, a fact cannot be banned,
such as the theory that new fresh blood is produced by this mucousal Fold. When the bowel clean, the nutrition of food eaten several times a day and will be working with mucousal Fold, nutritional food is changed into new blood.Blood is the most important in the cure of disease and maintain health, and therefore the water should be consumed regularly.
How to do that?
Morning when you wake up to sleep (even without a toothbrush first) drink 1.5 liters of water, that is 5 to 6 glasses. Better by measuring water advance of 1.5 liters.
After that you can wash your face. It is important to note that do not drink or eat anything an hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of this water. Have also been examined carefully that should not be drinking alcohol on the night before. If necessary, use boiled water or water that is filtered.
Do we have to Drink it up to 1.5 Liter at once?
For a start, it may be difficult to have a drink 1.5 liters of water at once, but slowly will be habited. Firstly, when the exercises, you should drink 4 glasses first and the rest who drink 2 glass two minutes later. Initially you will move a small 2 to 3 times in one hour, but after some time, will be normal again. According to the research and experience, the following diseases can be cured with this therapy, such as in the below:
Constipation - 1 Day
TB - 3 Months
Diabetes - Day 7
Muscle Disorder- Day 2
Blood pressure - 4 Sunday
Cancer - 4 Sunday
It is recommended that people with inflammation / joint pain and rheumatism implement this therapy three times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and evening one hour before food for one week, then twice daily until it's healed.
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25 July 2009
Stay Healthy, with only drinking Mineral Water
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bener nih info, sekalian mau tanya??
lebih tepat mineral water yang ga dingin ya?? gw denger kok gt
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looking forward to browse more of your content pieces, have a great day!
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